Tuesday, July 24, 2007

God wot another gorgeouus WINTER day we are having today, the sun is out and warm my washing is out and drying, sorry folks back home not rubbing it in, (much) no seroiusly its not funny. well just spent the morning with Jaden helping in his class Jaden got told off last Friday for pulling a piece of thread on the carpet and he thought it was fun to keep pulling and well you can imagine what the carpet looks like now. So yesterday I told him to stay out of trouble. He came home saying he only got told off a little bit today. Carly and I spent Saturday skiing OMG was I aching on Sunday, and she says to me come on lets learn to jump, so I followed her over this mould of snow and she turns round and sees me sprawled out one leg behind me the other in front, all i can say is im glad i practised my pelvc floor muscles after having the kids as i nearly wet meself laughing. Thanks for the photos you sent me Mandy wedding looked lovely, give my love to Tams and have a fantastic holiday. Work is going really well for me and Im enjoying it, I have been going into schools and getting to know people. Sharon, Carly & I are going to Auckland to see Gwen Staffani tomoz night, whoop whoop!!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Well a quick blog just to let you know how my first day went. So far so good, I think I'm going to enjoy it. I went thru all the paper work today and what my role is all about, but I will let you know when they start giving me my own case loads if I'm still enjoying it.
Some friends of ours went back to the UK 3 weeks ago and couldn't wait to get back here, but I'm sure it's got nothing to do with the weather your having, the good thing about us is Spring is on the way, whoop whoop!!! Then Summer, which I can have off, whoop whoop again!!!!
Seriously guys I do miss you! The children came home with smiling faces today after having 2 weeks off, Billie-jo said she has a new boy starting today from Notingham.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sorry only took these pix my camera died on me I took so many of the scenery (uh trees and stuff that some I had to delete ha ha) Aint he cute tho.

Carly stroking the baby cub that the mum has neglected

Gosh it's hard to believe today being 17 degrees and a blue sky that two days ago we had a horrendous storm with winds up to 180kmh. Trees have fallen in the roads causing motorist to turn around, Paige got stuck at work and we couldn't get to her in the end someone brought her home quite late. Auckland bridge was closed to motor bikes as the wind whisked two of them off their bikes. Friends of ours moved into their new home and their roof was ripped off, people lost their electricity that night and some are still out now. It was scarey! Wellits the end of school holls, we have had a good 2 weeks off, Carly & I drove to whangerie to Zion to see some lions, and we went to watch the new Harry Potter flim and Transformers which was excellent. Well I'm starting work Monday, quite excited about it really, how sad. Jaden had his friend Tayla round today and she put make-up on him i wish i had my camera handy bit it ran out of battery. He looked in the mirror and said Quote ' That don't look very nice Tayla you got got it on my eye brows' and went and washed it off, it was funny. O well Friday the 13th today going to dish up dinner then going out for an end of the week deserved drink.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Well I managed to get thru the first half of the holidays, ha ha
I went for my second interview on Thursday and they rung me up within the hour of getting home to offer me the job, pending references. I start on the 16th July when they go back to school, I have 5 weeks off at christmas, great eh! They also offered me more money than originally started with and to go up in 3 months!
Thought we were back in Cornwall this week we have had rain and more rain but 17 degrees crazy eh, also over at New Plymouth they have had Tornedo's destroying loads of houses wiping the roofs from over them. Luckily not reached us!
Took the kids to Wiewera spa today its great as Paige can get us in for nothing, it was lovely sat in a 48 degree spa sitting outside at 6.30 this evening, shame I had a flat white in my hand and not a glass of savvy. The weather news has just come on showing lots of lovely snow down on the South Island, must get down there.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Well the end of an era, the house is no longer ours

Jaden recieved a certificate

For got to mention that Jaden recieved a super worker certificate last Friday at assembly, apparently he is the class IT Technician. We are so proud of the kids they are all beginning to settle. Carly went down the mountains with some friends a couple of weeks ago, to a party to celebrate the start of the skiing season. We would like to get down there ourselves, but have to work around the girls working. Billie-jo is going to a dance hip-hop work -shop tomorrow, she goes every Monday and will do a show in December when Mums over here. I am going to see Gwen Stafani at the end of July and going to take Mum to see Lionel Ritchie In November. Cant wait to see my Mum & Dad, so much to show them and take them to see.

Half term and dont I know it!!!! ha ha

Well its been about 15 weeks here, seems longer actually, we have made some great friends who we meet up every week. I have applied for a job working with ADHD kids and their families, I was called back for a second interview which is this Thursday, its only for 15- 20 hours which suit me fine, and then i can still be around for the children. There are 8 adults and all the children going over to Wieheki Island on Sunday, we leave Auckland and take the car across the ferry, cant wait. It will be Paiges birthday as well I cant believe she will be 15, she has been asked out with so many boys over here, ( Of course she has said no) she is turning into a little stunner and she doesn't really know it, Im treating her to have her hair done on Friday. Carly has been asked out by Gerrard, whose not bad looking, she is going out to dinner with him. Billie-jo has been making her own cards over here and had her own stall at the market last Saturday Mark took her she had to be there for 7 in the morning to set up, she done well, and people have been putting in their order. I shall take her this week as Paige has no soccer as its half term this week. Well i shall update you with pictures of us at the weekend. Nice talking to you today Dawn keep the pictures of Reece coming, speak soon Mum.