Friday, February 02, 2007

We're on our way

Well the flights are now booked and we 're leaving 12th March, stopping off at Singapore and getting to Auckland on the 19th. OMG! Still have no where to live but what the heck!! Bishops the removal men are coming the 4 5 6 7th March so we will have to rely on takeaways or nice friends, eh Jeanie G! Feeling myself getting stressed, wot with work and trying to pack and organise things and helping my buddy Jean to set up a web page that is proving more dificult as time goes by. She has started a balloon business, and today I helped her dress a chocolate shop window up ( I know I could be packing) seeing as its Valatine Day soon. It was fun and we had a laugh, think i shall go round there tonight and open a bottle with her, shall miss you, you ole bugga!
We had Pete & Mandy and the children stay last weekend Pete said he would do us a curry and bring it over to us later on, so Mandy & I fed the children and opened a bottle of vino at the same time. By the time Pete came at 7.30 we were on our second bottle, (this brings back memorys) hastily adding without the curry, he forgot! So we ordered a chinese and went out for a drink locally, by the time we got it and returned home, I didnt feel like eating and i was a lillte worse for wear.