Tuesday, May 15, 2007

This is Billie-jo's new kiwi friend Blake.

Sorry I have not been updating my diary lately. Well we have finally moved into Nickell Place, I cant believe how much stuff we brought, I open a box and go 'O did I really need to bring that'. It feels little like home (except for the weather) we are having such lovely weather despite coming into winter, cant quite get my head around that being in May and that but thats what the guy on the radio tells me. What shall I do for my birthday this year. I dont think it will beat last years. It's great as I can do the dishes and look out from my kitchen window and watch Jaden ride his bike around the island. We have a park very close by too. We have been walking to school from here too it takes about 15-20 mins depending on what mood Jadens in. Paige and Billie-jo have joined a hip -hop dance class and will be putting a show on in December, they seem to be enjoying it. Paige is also enjoying her football infact she scored on Saturday and made a goal needless to say they won. Carly has been offered more hours at work which she is going to take, her plan is to go off travelling. I'm taking them to see Pink at the end of May which I'm so excited about, sad eh!! I'm off out with the girls tomorrow night I have made such lovely friends, who have been here a little longer than us and when I feel down they pick me up. The other day I was doing my shopping and i was sobbing down the isle what a mess was I when I got to the counter, I just kept my head down. It wasn't the fact that I was feeling homesick I had this over whelming feeling and could't hold back the tears.